Romance Movies for Date Night

Romantic movies happen to be one of my favorite things. I’m always going to be a sucker for the newest “chick flick” that will make me cry and contemplate the perfect love. I love them so much that I often resort to begging to get my boyfriend to watch them with me. Weirdly enough he […]

Spring Cleaning!

As spring time quickly approaches, I am definitely noticing the immence spring cleaning needed all over my house. Getting cleaner from the grocery store can be expensive and honestly am a little curious of how healthy and safe they can be. So I figured this year I would try some of the recipes I’ve seen online for the […]

Questions, Questions…So Many Questions.

Have you ever been bored on a rainy day or during a long car ride? I have definitely been there! Long car rides can be the worst when you’re getting sleepy or can’t decide on what type of music to listen to. So I’ve come up with a little game, some questions provided, that can be […]

Brides Maid’s Duties For the Big Day!

Things To Do On The Wedding Day With May right around the corner, A LOT of people are starting to get married or planning for future weddings. It is really important to be there for the bride once you’ve been chosen as the MOH. Remember that if it hasn’t happened yet, someone will repay the […]